Emotions are energy in motion within your body

In the same way that you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel it on your face, undealt with trauma causes blocked emotions that can surface anywhere in your body that creates an imbalance causing you pain. These emotions called "imbalances" can affect you physically just as much as they can emotionally.

It has been my experience that a significant percentage of physical illness stems from these unseen but felt "imbalances or emotions" in your body if left alone to fester. This is your body talking to you that it needs attention.

But you may be surprised to find out how easily this emotional trauma can be identified and released within minutes without any pain. It’s amazing how different you feel when you’re freed from these "unwanted imbalances" forever. 

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The Emotion Code is a life-changing modality that can help release your energy trapped by these imbalances that are weighing you down consciously, (or sub-consciously) keeping you from feeling your best.


The Emotion Code is a technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, and it works by literally getting rid of emotional baggage. Using muscle testing, I quickly identify, and release hidden trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression or anxiety; they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even disease.  Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to deal with.

The Emotion Code is non-invasive, totally safe.  It can be performed in minutes and there is no need to re-live the event which makes it very cost effective compared to other kinds of therapy. Everything discussed or discovered is always confidential.

I have become a Certified Body-Emotion Code Energy Practitioner in Kinesiology, Chinese Medicine, Chakra Readings and Body-Emotion Code Methodologies.  By using these techniques, I can locate your "emotions or imbalances” that are causing you pain and release them. You can take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from old feelings suppressed from emotional events not fully dealt with during your life. These nutritional, physical and emotional energy releases can be released (while you're interacting with me) by phone, within minutes, without any pain. You can be calling locally, out of state or internationally, it does not matter. The sub-conscious has no boundaries.

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It would be my pleasure to facilitate your journey towards feeling great and at peace in your life.  Improving your emotional state of mind affects your physical health too. It’s time for you to create positive change so you can realize how feeling good feels again. I know that you deserve it. 




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